How to Prepare Yourself for a Winter Storm

When winter draws near, you should always get yourself prepared, especially when you’re going to work. That’s why the National Weather Service advises everyone to build an emergency supply kit for their car in case of an emergency. At least 6,000 people die, and more than 480,000 gets injured because of weather-related vehicular accidents. If you need to drive during a snowstorm or blizzard, it is best to take it slow.

When you are off to work

Keep in mind that black ice is barely visible, especially in the dark. Thus, before you live the house, make sure that you have your emergency kit with you on your travel. You should also check if the fluid levels are at the maximum so that you will not have any problems with your car’s engine while you are on the road. Check if the lights, windshield wipers, and heater are in good condition, too.    If it is possible, avoid travelling on your own. But if not, then let someone know about your schedule for the entire day as well as your routes. You should also check a few traffic apps or call 511 to get the latest updates on traffic and weather condition.

You should also make sure that you have fully charged all your gadgets before going out. Keep a flashlight handy together with some extra batteries. Do not forget to check your first aid kit in case you need it. Also, it is always helpful to keep some high-calorie, non-perishable food with you all the time.

When you are at home

rows of home during winter

The first thing that you need to worry about is how to keep yourself warm. Winter storms can draw cold temperatures and power failures. Ice storms can cause people to lose their communication signal and roads to turn icy. To make sure that you and your family are safe, you need to prepare everyone even before disaster hits. Creating a disaster and communication plan for the entire family can ensure that everyone will stay safe after the storm.

You should also prepare your home by insulating the water lines that go through the exterior walls. Doing so will keep your water supply from freezing completely. Check if the walls and attic are well-insulated. You should also consider installing storm-pane windows to keep the snow away from your home’s interior.

Keep your farm quad bike in excellent condition. You will be using it to get rid of the snow in your property and help you create a path. Also, do a maintenance check around your house and see if there are any leaks. You should also cut away tree branches that could potentially fall on your home during a storm.

You will not know when an accident is about to strike. Therefore, before it happens,  prepare yourself for it. Always keep a first aid kit with you so that you will have easy access to it. Also, keep candles and matches handy as these will serve as an emergency source of light and heat.