A Homeowner’s Guide to Preparing the House for Winter

The best time to clean and maintain your home is in the season of fall. These are definitely chores, but cleaning your house’s nooks and crannies during these times will help prevent damage, rust and molds. Here are some easy tips you can follow.

Clean Downspouts and Gutters

Clogged downspout or gutters can easily freeze and create other serious problems in your home. Make it a point to check on them before the temperature starts going down below 32 degrees.

Check Smoke and Monoxide Detectors

Check and test the features on every device to ensure they are working optimally. Replace the batteries and any inoperable system as needed before winter comes.

Monitor Furnace Vents

If your home comes with a forced air furnace, check it to ensure that the vents in your living areas are all free from obstruction and are open. You may partially close these vents, especially in less used rooms.

Do not close them entirely unless you are sure there is no probability your water pipes will freeze. The temperatures inside the walls can be much lower than the other living areas. If you sense a problem, consult furnace repair experts in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Replace and Recharge Fire Extinguishers

fire extinguishers

Have a look at the gauge from time to time and make sure it is fully charged. Take the extinguishers off the mounting bracket and turn them upside down. This will ensure the dry chemicals will not cake or be stuck at the bottom.

Have Your Heating System Inspected

Regular maintenance is key to a lasting furnace or heating system. Get your furnace, wood stoves, chimneys, and other heating parts in tip-top shape before the cold months hit. Many experts suggest that you make an annual appointment with a professional for your heating systems. Make sure you also follow service intervals as provided by your manufacturer or service provider.

Replace Worn Weather Strips

Worn out weather strips in your doors and windows play an important role in keeping heat in your home, plus it increases your heating utility bills fast. Weather strips are easy to replace, and they should easily pay for themselves in a very short span of time.

Check Insulation in Attics or Crawl Spaces

Always make it a habit to check on the insulation in your attic or crawl space areas. In the long run, the fiberglass panels can sag away. This, in turn, allows cold air to get into your home. Duct tape can be utilized to reseal the problem area.

However, the sagging can also indicate that moisture has already set in. You must determine the source of the issue before you decide to finally replace the bigger areas. Whenever you decide to replace the insulation by yourself, make sure you stick to the manufacturer guidelines for your protection.

Make sure to always protect your exterior water valves, as well. The hose bibs found in an unheated area outside your home will need more protection to avoid any freezing problems. Inexpensive insulated covers can be bought, and it is a great idea to shut off the water supply linked to the hose bib from within the house.