job safety

Office Layout: Keeping Your Workplace Safe but Classy

Successful businesses are fuelled by three important things: talented employees, high-productivity, and workplace safety. Without these three things, a business could crumble, so how do you attract talented individuals to work for your company and increase their productivity at the same time?

The simple answer to that question is an attractive workplace that prioritises its employees’ safety and security. But how exactly do you keep a workplace safe and attractive at the same time?

Incorporate Open Workplaces for Your Employees

By enforcing a “no cubicle” workspace, you open up the spaces in the building you are occupying; this workplace design encourages your employees to work together and increases workplace safety due to the workplace’s unobstructed nature.

The last thing you want to happen is for employees to slip and injure themselves simply because their pathway was obstructed. A pathway that employees take must never be obstructed as this can also affect their productivity.

But in these trying times, employers should also be mindful of the entrances that employees will zoom in and out of. The COVID-19 pandemic changed much of how employees will be interacting with each other. Some high-risk objects like door handles should be sanitised at all times, while sanitisers should be placed in key areas.

Add Modern Yet Classic Interior Designs

Stairways and mezzanines are probably one of the “riskiest” parts of your workplace, especially when someone just cleaned these areas and there’s a possibility that someone might slip. Aside from slipping, some employees might fall if they’re not too careful. What’s a great way of adding even more elegance to your stairways? Wrought iron balustrades can drastically increase your workplace’s general appeal while providing a good sense of security to employees.

Brighten the Workplace

If you’re still setting up your office workplace, it might be best to look into buildings or workplaces that provide as much natural light as possible. Most people are uncomfortable working in the dark or taking the stairs if the area is poorly lit.

Your employees must see where they are going; this can prevent many workplace-related injuries. While lights can be important, you can brighten up your workplace by painting the walls with bright colours; make sure that the colours match the office’s theme that doesn’t clash with each other.

Make Sure That the Tools and Equipment Are Clean

office design

It’s no secret that a messy workplace can lead to serious accidents and make your workplace an unsightly mess. By keeping your workplace clean, you also keep it safe. A clean workplace also encourages your employees to work because it lessens the environmental distractions.

Make sure that everything is where it is supposed to be and that boxes are stacked safely; computers are cleaned and maintained regularly. Hazardous work materials are disposed of properly.

Make Use of Label Signs

Labels and signs are a great way to ensure that your employees are properly aware of the hazardous materials around them. Labels and signs can also be a great way to remind your employees of safety procedures to ensure that no one gets injured.

While these label signs can look ugly, you can have custom designs made specifically to fit your workplace aesthetic without sacrificing the visual cues that make these labels and signs an effective tool to ensure safety within your workplace.

While it is important to have all the safety materials and security protocols in your workplace, it is also equally critical to ensure that the workplace fosters a safety-first culture. It would help if you considered conducting safety drills and safety seminars quarterly or annually. Pick whichever works best for your company and your needs.

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