Moving to the Greener Side: Office Relocation Tips for Startups

In 2016, about 69% of entrepreneurs in the U.S. started their operations home. That’s why for many startups, especially those in Salt Lake City, every time they move to a bigger and more spacious office it is a step forward towards their business growth goal.

Relocating to a new working environment, however, can be complicated. Startup owners need to have a fool-proof plan to ensure a smooth transition and avoid derailing the momentum of their operations when they move to a new office.

If you are planning to move into a newer office, here are a few things worth keeping in mind:

Understand the lease

Details are important when it comes to leasing agreements. You’d want to negotiate the most favorable lease as possible for your startup. After all, the new office space will be your second home for a long time. Plus, a huge part of your operating expense will go to rent. So it’s important to understand the terms of your lease before you sign it.

One factor you can consider is having a flexible lease. Startup operations tend to evolve really fast and your business may change often. So a short-term lease with options for renewal may suit well for your company.

Fix faulty systems right away

In 2018, over 80% of businesses went under because they weren’t able to deal with cash flow problems. One major factor of that is overhead costs. If you’re moving into a new office, make sure your overhead expenses will still be manageable, which means you have to keep an eye on possible spikes in repair and utility costs.

Before you actually move into your new office space, do a complete inspection of the area and take note of any possible problems like drainage issues or heating or air conditioning failure. It’s best to solve these problems, especially plumbing-related issues, right away before or as soon as you relocate, according to drain cleaning professionals, to avoid incurring heavier repair costs in the future.

office spaceConsider insurance

You may want to get commercial property insurance as a precaution. The last thing you want to do is to worry about additional repair or replacement expenses for property damages due to hurricanes, fires, or theft. Not only property damage can stop your business operations, but it could also endanger your staff or your clients.

Get your staff on board

Finally, after all the careful preparations to move, you also need to prepare your team for the relocation. Ask what they need to fully adapt to their new working environment. For starters, see if they need any logistical support to transfer their work equipment.

You may also want to conduct orientation regarding what to expect now that the firm has moved. You can also do a quick briefer about the area of the new office and nearby establishments to get them excited about the new location.

Office relocation is a huge step-up for many startups. It means their operations are expanding and that their business is growing. This is why careful and meticulous planning is needed to make that jump.