Creative Thinking and Its Importance in the Workplace

When we talk about the word “creativity,” what usually comes to mind are industries that have to do with the arts. Movies. Advertising. Animation. Painting. Architecture and design. All highly artistic and inspired work.

Our minds have been conditioned to think that there is no place for creativity in businesses like a physiotherapy clinic, a tax attorney’s office, or medical practice.

The truth is, all businesses and industries need some creativity to survive. Your business cannot do without it. If you think that this is the Achilles’ heel in your workplace, there are some things you can do to spark a little creativity at work.

How to Stimulate Creativity at the Workplace

  1. Tell everyone to think like a kid.

If you take the time to observe children and how they go about getting stuff done, you’ll notice how brave and bold they are at taking risks. Risks in the sense that they don’t think about whether what they’re up to is right or wrong. They do it anyway.

This kind of carefree attitude and spontaneity allows them to create different scenarios in their mind. It doesn’t matter to them if their method of play is logical. In their world, it works.

  1. Encourage regular playtime.

Google’s office is well-known for being a fun environment to work in. They have several playrooms where employees can take breaks to relax, unwind, and play some games.

The reason behind this is one is allowed to detach from anything work-related and engage in activities they find fun. It relaxes and clears the mind and relieves one of stress and pressure. If a person gets relieved from stress, brilliant ideas are likely to be born.

  1. Engage in a hobby that you find enjoyable.

Hobbies help distract you from the monotony of life. They help stimulate not just creativity but excitement as well, especially if you’ve acquired or learned a new thing.

If you already have a hobby, stay engrossed in it and keep learning new things about it. Some concepts and ideas that you get from your hobby can be translated into your work.

  1. Visit single-niche retail shops.

List down a few niche shops in your areas—for example, pet shops, ice cream shops, hardware stores, and RTW. Pick a niche and visit some of the stores in your area that cater to it. Take notes on how each establishment sets up their display, price their items, and approaches different aspects of their business.

Compare each one and scrutinize their methods. You’ll see how specific approaches are more creative than others considering their limitations. Creativity has everything to do with making the most out of what you have on hand.

people at the office

  1. Surround yourself with smart and creative people and learn from them.

It is said that if you find yourself being the smartest in a room, get out. You need to look for a place where people are a lot more intelligent than you.

We’re not saying that you quit your job. You need to surround yourself with creative, inspired, and brilliant people — the ones that you look up to and would like to emulate. Bask in their brilliance and learn how they process their thoughts and where they get their creativity and inspiration from. 

  1. Let your ideas simmer.

Creativity and inspiration come to people at different times. Some find it easier to come up with something unique upon hearing just strategic concepts, while it takes more time for other people.

Don’t feel pressured to come up with something new right then and there. Sometimes you’ll only get just a piece of the puzzle. It’s okay. Let it simmer in your thoughts for a few days. Eventually, as you continue to give it more thought, you’ll see the bigger picture.

It may be spontaneous, but it’s not always instantaneous.

  1. Devour media as much as you can.

One of the best ways to get inspired is to take a look at creative expressions around you. Mass media has a lot of materials that you can draw inspiration from.

Movies, TV shows, YouTube videos, blogs, comic books, songs, novels, advertisements, and a lot more are available for your consumption. Set aside time daily to feed your mind and your creativity.

  1. Take a breather.

Keeping your mind focused on just one topic for lengthy periods can be frustrating and exhausting. Breaks can help you transition from laser-like focus to broader understanding.

A clear mind works like a blank canvass. It’s easier to create if the canvass is clean. If you want to be more creative at work, you need to take your breaks and relieve yourself of work-related stress and pressure.

Creativity is not limited to artistic fields and industries. It is meant for all industries to utilize and enjoy. Don’t miss out on the opportunities it can create for you because you had a misconception about it.