How Construction Businesses Ensure Employee Safety

  • The National Safety Stand-Down aims to prevent construction worker falls.
  • Almost 20 percent of workplace deaths in 2021 occurred in construction.
  • Thorough employee training and regular updates reduce accident risks.
  • Proper use of personal protective equipment, maintenance, and safety protocols further improve safety.
  • Adhering to laws and regulations helps ensure construction equipment meets safety standards.

From May 1 to May 5, the National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction aims to raise awareness about fall hazards and prevention in the construction industry. Unfortunately, in 2021, the construction industry accounted for almost 20 percent of all workplace deaths. More than one-third of these deaths were caused by falls, slips, and trips, almost exclusively from falling to lower levels.

Construction businesses are known for their rigorous workload, demanding working conditions, and hazardous job requirements. Construction workers are expected to perform their duties despite these hazards, placing them at higher risk for accidents, injuries, and fatalities.

This is why construction businesses must prioritize employee safety and implement measures to prevent accidents and injuries. This blog post will discuss some of the ways that construction businesses ensure employee safety.

Supervisor checking the work of a trainee at a construction site.

Thorough Training Programs

Construction businesses invest in thorough training programs to ensure that their employees are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to do their jobs safely. These training programs cover topics such as safety procedures, regulations, and best practices in handling equipment and machinery.

Regular Training

Regular training is given to employees to ensure they are up-to-date on the latest safety protocols and refresh their knowledge and skills. This helps to reduce the chances of accidents and injuries occurring on-site.

Increase Productivity

Additionally, these training programs help to increase employee productivity as they are better able to understand their roles and responsibilities. Training also allows employees to give feedback and suggest improvements that could be made to improve safety measures. Finally, providing regular training for employees demonstrates a commitment to safety which can help to improve morale in the workplace.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Personal protective equipment is a crucial component of ensuring employee safety in the construction industry. Construction businesses provide their employees with the appropriate PPE to protect their eyes, face, head, and feet from hazards such as flying debris, falling objects, and electrical shocks. PPE includes hard hats, safety glasses, steel-toed boots, and gloves, among others.

Wear the PPE

Employees are required to wear their PPE at all times while working on the construction site to prevent accidents and injuries. The employer must maintain the PPE and ensure that it is regularly inspected to determine its effectiveness.

Proper PPE Use

Employers must also provide their employees with training on how to properly use PPE and recognize when it needs to be replaced. Implementing a PPE program can significantly reduce workplace accidents and injuries, so construction businesses need to invest in a quality program that ensures their employees are safe at all times.

Other Safety Equipment

Construction businesses must also provide other safety equipment to their employees. This includes ladders, scaffolds, and protective barriers. To prevent employees from falling while working at high levels, you should provide durable braided slings to them. These pieces of equipment are essential in preventing falls from heights and other workplace accidents.

Machinery Maintenance and Inspection

Machinery and equipment used in construction sites are subjected to wear and tear due to frequent use. These machines can malfunction and cause accidents if not properly maintained and inspected.

Regular Maintenance

Construction businesses ensure the safety of their employees by conducting regular maintenance and inspection of their machinery and equipment. This includes checking for worn-out parts, leaks, and other potential hazards.

Good Working Condition

Repairs or replacements are done as necessary to keep the machinery in good working condition. Proper maintenance and inspection of machinery can also help improve productivity, reduce downtime, and extend the life of the machines.

Adhere to Laws and Regulations

Additionally, construction businesses must adhere to relevant laws and regulations when it comes to maintaining their equipment. This helps ensure that the machinery is safe and will meet all safety standards.

Safety first sign on the girder used at a construction site.

Safety Protocols and Procedures

Construction businesses have developed safety protocols and procedures that employees must follow to ensure their safety. These protocols cover a range of areas, from safely using equipment and machinery to identifying potential hazards and dealing with emergencies. Regular reviews of these protocols are done to ensure that they are up-to-date, relevant, and effective.

Use of PPE

The most crucial safety protocol is using personal protective equipment, such as hard hats and safety glasses. Employees must also understand how to safely operate tools and machinery, properly lift and carry items, and other essential safety procedures.

Ensuring the safety of employees in the construction industry is vital. Construction businesses can prioritize employee safety by investing in thorough training programs, providing appropriate personal protective equipment, conducting regular machinery maintenance and inspection, and developing and enforcing safety protocols and procedures. By implementing these measures, construction businesses can reduce the likelihood of accidents, injuries, and fatalities and provide a safe and secure working environment for their employees.