
Perfect Work-life Balance and How You Can Achieve It

The world today is a fast-paced one. We can get almost anything we need or want instantaneously. This results in people feeling more pressured by how quickly things can come and go,

When it comes to working, the fast nature of things tends to favor fast output and immediate results. But since we’re only humans, we can’t expect to achieve robotic levels of efficiency. Forcing yourself to be hyper-productive all the time will result in a bad work-life balance, where you feel that your work is beginning to impede your personal life. But how do you work around this problem? Let’s discuss how you can improve your work and personal schedules.

Make a Schedule

There is no other way to balance your work and life than to make a schedule. However, making the wrong schedule can complicate things further as you won’t be efficient in the schedule that you made. That’s why creating the right schedule for you is important. Here are a few tips to help you out in making the best schedule for you.

Step 1: Monitor Your Activities. Of course, you won’t be able to make a schedule if you’re not sure what you’re doing. Make sure to factor in all the tasks you do at work. Not just those tasks but also your habits and other things you do to make your process more efficient. These include coffee breaks, checking your e-mails, short rests in between—all you need to work better.

Step 2: Draft a Schedule. Once you’ve determined everything you do throughout the day, it’s time to draft a schedule. You can start analyzing which tasks are best connected and which are best allotted the most time. You’ll also find tasks best done early as doing them later can mean more work for you.

Step 3: Test and Edit as See Fit. After making a schedule, test it first. See if you receive any productivity boost following that schedule. There will be some hiccups with your first few drafts, but creating a schedule that works for you doesn’t happen overnight. Take your time and work out the kinks.

Follow your schedule to the best of your ability, as it will help you accomplish most of your work, leaving you more time for yourself.  A schedule requires constant effort to follow. But with enough willpower, you’ll be able to achieve it.

wiping kitchen counter

Find Time for Your Chores

Companies essentially adopted the work from home format to better accommodate everyone’s varying schedules. While this has alleviated the need for commuting and paved the way for a more flexible format, it has also blurred the lines between work and life even more. And because work has now permeated the home environment that we should care even more.

Don’t neglect your house chores in favor of your work. Learn to schedule tasks, including critical home chores. You don’t want to put off that home renovation you’ve been planning, but neither should you miss your work deadlines. The key here is to finish as much as realistically possible during your allotted work hours and then focus on home chores after.

Allocate and Delegate Tasks Correctly

When we’re too busy and swamped with work, we often forget that we can ask for help. Especially when we’re trying to keep up a very efficient system, we power through the intended routine despite already being too tired. And this attempt to struggle through tiredness is what damages the delicate work-life balance.

Ultimately, you can ask for help, and don’t be afraid to do so. If you’re an employee, telling your managers what you’re struggling with and asking for some help is ideal. Don’t hesitate to inform them about your needs. Similarly, if you’re a manager, don’t be afraid to delegate tasks to your staff. It’s all about sharing the work to lessen the load on everyone, and that includes yourself.

Lastly, Use Technology to Your Advantage

Many tools can help you with your scheduling process. Smartphone apps and desktop software can seamlessly integrate your schedule, and it’s wise to utilize them. These apps will help you manage your time better, tell you when to take breaks and get back to work, and of course, tell you when your shift is over. However, you must commit to it and train yourself to follow the schedule.

Considering the everyday stresses in the workplace, it can be hard to achieve work-life balance. Some of your obligations at work might leave you with little to no energy for other meaningful things, such as spending time with your family and friends. But with the right mindset and strategies, you can enjoy the best of both worlds.

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