4 Ways You Can Make Your Home Look Like a Million Dollars (Sans Millions of Dollars)

Home beauty is all about creating a good impression. You will realize it whether you want to wow your guests or parents-in-law or you just want to make sure that your property valuator will give your home a good assessment. Regardless, many think that making the home look beautiful is expensive.

It can be, especially if you are doing an overhaul. But you always have a choice to make that happen even without having to shell out millions of dollars (which is not a practical approach for many). What you should do is exercise your imagination and be resourceful.

When you have a proper and meticulous plan, things will go your way. When making your home look like a million dollars, you need to have a definite theme first. This will pull everything together, thus helping you come up with a unifying and strong aesthetics.

This should not be difficult, especially if you already have design inspirations in mind (otherwise, it’s time to browse Pinterest). If you are looking for ways to make this upgrade happen, here are some of the additions worth your time.

1. Narrow down your color choices.

Oftentimes, there are many homeowners who think that extravagant and luxurious designs are always colorful. And it can work, especially if the intent is to come up with campy yet eclectic space, especially if the layout of the property mimics that of a gallery.

However, this does not work in conventionally designed homes. When in doubt, choose simplicity. After all, it is the ultimate form of sophistication.

So what you should do here is pick neutral tones for that Bauhaus or Scandinavian tone. Or if you want some pops of color, match strong ones with neutral ones (such as white and red).

2. Pick elegant lighting.

modern house with big interiors

Luxurious lighting does not always mean ostentatious chandeliers. It does not always mean having light brackets at every door. At the center of it all, it is all about the color. Your light should induce mood; it should be warm yet functional.

And if you are trying to be elegant, go for something simple. Track lighting works best for homes that have industrial designs. If you want your foyer to create an impression, go for wall washing.

3. Dress up your windows.

Sometimes, a simple dress-up can turn your space around. Your windows might need some accessorizing. In this regard, you can put up elegant drapery or blinds. Just make sure that your window treatments suit your existing design.

4. Turn your bathroom into a spa.

Your entire home may be looking good but your bathroom. If this is the case, there is obviously a disconnect. You should make your bathroom elegant and luxurious, too. You can turn it into a spa, and this should not be difficult, as there are many builders of a custom spa in Salt Lake City.

Making your home beautiful and luxurious does not always have to make you spend lots of money. A creative mind, coupled with practical strategies, can definitely go a long way.

But if you want a design that can last a long time and will ensure that the space is comfortable and functional, it does not hurt to hire an interior designer.