4 Home Entry Points You Must Protect

The house must always be a safe sanctuary for you and your family. However, you will not be able to prevent thieves and burglars from making your property a target. If they see that you have valuable items inside your house, you might find yourself in an unfortunate and potentially dangerous situation. The first thing thieves will try to break down is the entry points of your home. If you want to protect the people inside, you must take measures to improve the defense of your property. Here are the entry points you need to reinforce.

Garage Door

Going after the front door will be an obvious choice for thieves, which is why most homeowners make sure that the entry point has a lot of safety reinforcements. If the burglars want to avoid getting noticed, they will not be going after the front door to enter your home. Thieves will disregard the entry point and will be looking to break in using the garage. The area is often far from visibility from the people outside the house, which means that they will always check for flaws. You should always make sure that the area is secure since you might use it as a storage space. You should consider hiring a company that provides garage door repair if you want to keep thieves from making it inside your home.



The front door will likely be off-limits for thieves because it is visible to your neighbors. Unfortunately, there are a lot of doors they can use to attempt a break-in. The side and back doors will likely be in areas that are not open to the public, which means that they will be able to gain the moment of privacy they need to break them down. If you want to prevent thieves from entering your home, you must make sure that the areas have surveillance cameras at every angle. You must also add more locks, especially if the crime rate at your neighborhood is high. You can add steel reinforcements that can protect you from the inside.

First-floor Windows

A lot of thieves choose not to break in using windows because of the loud noise they make. The glass shards will also make it difficult for them to creep inside your home without hurting themselves. Unfortunately, desperate times call for drastic measures. If thieves notice that your locked windows are out in the open, they will grab at the chance by throwing solid objects at it. You should consider installing steel bars on the entry points to prevent them from getting in. You will be able to prevent them from using the windows from becoming a target by thieves.

Second-floor Windows

You might think that the height will make it impossible for thieves to get to the second-floor windows. However, you will find that there are plenty of ways to get to the area without getting caught. Ladders, ropes, and trees could give thieves options to enter your home using second windows. You should consider making the installations you did at the first-floor entry points if you want to keep your family safe.

There are a lot of ways to protect your home from theft. However, securing the entry points will always be your top priority.